1. Materials and tools (for 1 class)
Preparation: Microsoft Excel, a PC, a Printer, A4 bond paper, a good paper cutter, a ruler and a cutting board
For student activities: 40 paper vernier calliper pattern sheets, five rolls of cello tape, 35 pairs of scissors,
5x20Gp coin, 5x10Gpcoin, 5x5Gp coin, 5x1Gp coin and activity (assignment) sheets
1. How to read vernier scale
2. How to make paper vernier calliper pattern sheet
Using Microsoft Excel, and image editor, we can make paper vernier calliper pattern. Adjust the ruler on the
main scale to fit the actual length by changing the printing magnification. We can print out enough number of
paper patterns by printer or make photocopies.
Before the students’ activities, you should pre-cut the sheets especially along important lines of vernier calliper
pattern using the paper cutter (red lines pointed by arrows).
1. How to read vernier scale
1). Relation between the main scale and the vernier scale
The vernier scale is divided into a certain number of divisions (n, e.g. 10, 20). The total length of which
corresponds to the length of (n-1, e.g. 9, 19, 39) of the smallest main scale divisions. Then “v” is the length of
vernier scale division, and “s” the length of the smallest main scale division. We have.
nv = (n-1)s e.g. n = 10, v = 9/10mm, n-1 = 9 and s = 1mm
s-v = s/n difference between “s” and “v” is s/n: e.g. s=1mm, v=9/10mm and s/n=1/10 mm
example n = 10, v = 9/10 mm, s = 1 mm
2). Measurement sample
Point “x” lies between 31.0mm and 32.0mm on the main scale. We must find vernier scale line which
coincides with a main scale line. In this example, the sixth line coincides with a main scale line.
3). Calculation
The length (l) from original point to point “x” is calculated as follows.
The length of the main sale division is 1mm. Therefore, distance “a” on main scale from 32.0mm line to
37.0mm line is 5mm.
37.0mm – 32.0mm = 5.0mm
The length of vernier scale division is 9/10mm. Therefore, the distance “b” on vernier scale from point “x”
to sixth line is 5.4mm
9/10 mm x 6 = 5.4mm
Distance “b” is 5.4mm – 5.0mm longer than distance “a”. Then we have the length (l) like this.
32mm- (5.4mm – 5.0mm) = 31.6mm・・・length (l)
2. Make your paper vernier calliper
1) Make paper vernier calliper using the pattern sheet, a pair of scissors (or a cutter, a metal ruler and a
cutting board) and cello tape.
2) Cut out the pattern sheet along black lines as fairy as possible. I recommend cutting along inner side of
the width of black lines. Fold the papers along dotted red lines in order to make printed side outside.
The most important foldings are the jaw parts. Do them carefully.
3) Close “the outside calliper jaws” and read the vernier scale. If your vernier scale 0 line aligns with the
main scale 0 line, your paper vernier calliper is perfect. If it shows bigger than zero, you should deduct
the length from actual measuring result. Check the vernier scale line from left end and find a line
which aligns with a main scale line. Read and record the amount which is shown on aligned vernier
scale. If it shows between 2 and 3, it means 0.25mm.
3. Sample measurement using paper vernier calliper
Check table of the “sample result of measurement”. When you measure diameters of coins, you must
measure an object rotating 0°, 60° and 120°. Next figure shows the diameter of the object is 17.45mm
4. Micrometer screw gauze (Quoted from “Wikipedia” and other websites)
1) Parts
The spindle of an ordinary metric micrometer has 2 threads per millimetre, and thus one complete revolution
moves the spindle through a distance of 0.5 millimetre. The longitudinal line on the frame is graduated with 1
millimetre divisions and 0.5 millimetre subdivisions. The thimble has 50 graduations, each being 0.01
millimetre (one-hundredth of a millimetre). Thus, the reading is given by the number of millimetre divisions
visible on the scale of the sleeve plus the particular division on the thimble which coincides with the axial line
on the sleeve.
Suppose that the thimble were screwed out so that graduation 5, and one additional 0.5 subdivision were visible
(as shown in the image), and that graduation 28 on the thimble coincided with the axial line on the sleeve. The
reading then would be 5.00 + 0.5 + 0.28 = 5.78 mm.
3) Torque repeatability via torque-limiting ratchets or sleeves
An additional feature of many micrometers is the inclusion of a torque-limiting device on the thimble—either a
spring-loaded ratchet or a friction sleeve. Normally, one could use the mechanical advantage of the screw to
force the micrometer to squeeze the material or tighten the screw threads, giving an inaccurate measurement.
However, by attaching a thimble that will ratchet or friction slip at a certain torque, the micrometer will not
continue to advance once sufficient resistance is encountered. This results in greater accuracy and repeatability
of measurements—most especially for low-skilled or semi-skilled workers, who may not have developed the
light, consistent touch of a skilled user.
4) Testing and calibration
The accuracy of micrometers is checked by using them to measure gauge blocks, rods, or similar standards
whose lengths are precisely and accurately known. If the gauge block is known to be 0.7500" (± .00005"), then
the micrometer should measure it as 0.7500". If the micrometer measures 0.7516", then it is out of calibration.
The accuracy of the gauge blocks themselves is traceable through a chain of comparisons back to a master
standard, such as are maintained in measurement standards laboratories.
Thanks for the detailed information on the use of torque in micrometer screw gauge.